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Hopkins, Matthew, (i)
hormone replacement therapy, (i)
Howard, William Lee, (i)
Hughes, Geoffrey, (i)
humoral theory, (i), (ii), (iii)
Hungerford, Lord Walter, (i)
Hunter, William, (i)
Hustler, (i)
‘hygiene hypothesis’, (i)
hymen, see virginity tests
hymenoplasty, (i)
Hysteria, (i)
‘hysterical paroxysm’, (i), (ii)
in men, (i)
in women, (i)
Inanna (Ishtar), goddess, (i)
incubi, (i)
Indecent Advertisements Act (Ireland), (i)
infanticide, (i)
infertility, (i), (ii), (iii)
Ingeborg of Denmark, (i)
Innocent III, Pope, (i)
Irrigateur Eguisier, (i)
Ivo, Bishop of Chartres, (i)n
Jacobi, Mary Putnam, (i)
James VI and I, King, (i)
Jannini, Emmanuele, and Sylvain Mimoun, (i)
Jentzer, A., (i)
Jeye, Louise, (i)
Jiajing, Emperor, (i)
Jimenez, Ulises Chávez, (i)
Joan of Arc, (i)
John, King, (i)
John of York, (i)
Johnson, Denis, (i)
Johnson, Henry, (i)
Jones, Terry, (i)
Joyce, James, (i)
Kahun Medical Papyrus, (i)
Kama Sutra, (i)n, (ii), (iii)
Karras, Ruth Mazo, (i)
Kedger, George, (i)
Kellogg, John Harvey, (i), (ii), (iii)
Kellogg, William, (i)
Khoikhoi women, (i)
Khoisan woman, (i)
Killigrew, Thomas, (i)
King, Professor Helen, (i)
Kinred, Kath, (i)
Kinsey, Alfred, (i), (ii), (iii)
Kipling, Rudyard, (i)
Kirn, Walter, (i)
knickerbockers, (i)
Knowlton, Charles, (i), (ii)
Knutsford, Anne, (i)
Kokoschka, Oskar, (i)
Krafft-Ebing, Richard von, (i)
Kramer, Heinrich, and James Sprenger, see Malleus Maleficarum
Kroger, William S., (i)
La Païva, (i)
labia, (i), (ii), (iii)
Ladies’ Home Journal, (i)
Lady Chatterley’s Lover (D. H. Lawrence), (i)
Lambarde, William, (i)
La’mert, Samuel, (i)
Lancet, The, (i), (ii), (iii)
Lanfranc, Archbishop of Canterbury, (i)
Lanfranc of Milan, (i)
Langham, William, (i)
lavender, (i)
‘law of kissing’, (i)
Lawrence, D. H., see Lady Chatterley’s Lover
Lawrence, Gabriel, (i)
Lazarewitch, J., (i)
Le Ménagier de Paris, (i)
Le Petit Parisien, (i)
Le Vaillant, François, (i)
leg shaving, (i)
Leigh, Peter, (i)
Lenz, Norbert, (i)
Leonardo da Vinci, (i)
lesbians, (i), (ii), (iii)
Lespinasse, Victor Darwin, (i)n
L’Étude Académique, (i)
LGBTQ rights, (i), (ii)
Liardet, Arthur, (i)
Licensing Act (1662), (i)
Lichtenstern, Robert, (i)
Lieberman, Hallie, (i)
Liji, (i)
limericks, (i)
Lloyd, Elisabeth, (i)
Lombroso, Cesare, (i), (ii)
London Foundling Hospital, (i)
Longman, William, (i)
Lothar, King of Francia, (i)
Lucian of Samosata, (i)
Lydston, George Frank, (i)n
Lysol disinfectant, (i)
Macaulay, Zachary, (i)
McMullen, Matt, (i)
Madan, Martin, (i)
Madia Gond people, (i)
Magnas, Elizabeth, (i)
Mahler, Alma, (i)
Maines, Rachel, (i), (ii)
male refractory period (MRP), (i), (ii)
Malleus Maleficarum (Kramer and Sprenger), (i), (ii)
Malone, Molly, (i)
Malory, Thomas, (i)
Mandela, Nelson, (i)
Manfield, Charles, (i)
Mannequin, (i)
Mannin, Ethel, (i)
Maoris, (i)
Marie Antoinette, Queen, (i)
Marston, John, (i)
Martial, (i), (ii), (iii)
Marvell, Andrew, (i)
Massachusetts Medical Society, (i)
Masseur, The, (i)
Masters and Johnson, (i)
masturbation, (i), (ii)
anti-masturbation campaigns, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
clitoris and, (i), (ii), (iii)
Pygmalionists and, (i)
see also dildos; vibrators
mathematics, (i)
matriarchal societies, (i)n
Medical Lexicon, (i)
medicine men, (i)
menstrual huts, (i), (ii)
menstruation, (i), (ii), (iii)
and abortifacients, (i)
amenorrhea, (i)
anti-feminists and, (i)
and bicycling, (i)
drinking menstrual blood, (i), (ii)
and ‘hysteria’, (i), (ii), (iii)
‘period poverty’, (i)
PMS, (i)
taboos, (i), (ii)
Mercurius Fumigosus, (i)
Mercury, Freddie, (i)
mercury, (i), (ii), (iii)
‘Merryland Books’, (i)
miasma theory, (i)
Michelangelo, (i)
Middleton, Thomas, (i)
midwifery, (i)
Milligan, Spike, (i)
Mills, Humphrey, (i)
Minos, King of Crete, (i)
miscarriage, (i), (ii)
Miss Congeniality, (i)
‘Model Borghild’ project, (i)
modesty, rise of, (i)
Mohr, Melissa, (i)
Moll, Albert, (i)
money, in human history, (i)
monkey glands, (i)
Monty Python and the Holy Grail, (i)
Moone, Margaret, (i)
Moos, Hermine, (i)
Moran, Caitlin, (i)
Mosher, Clelia Duel, (i)
Murdock, George Peter, (i)
Murray, Fanny, (i)
Muscio, Inga, (i)
My Fair Lady, (i)
Napoleon Bonaparte, (i)
Native Americans, (i), (ii)
Nazis, (i)
necrophilia, (i)
Neotantra groups, (i)n, (ii)
New Dictionary of the Terms of the Canting Crew, A, (i)
Newbald, John, (i)
Newton, Caroline, (i)
Newton, Sir Isaac, (i)
Newton, Thomas, (i)
Nicholson, Jack, (i)
Night Searches, (i)
nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT) test, (i)
Nocturnal Revels, (i), (ii)
Norton, Richard, (i)
nymphomania, (i), (ii), (iii)
Nyrop, Kristoffer, (i)
Nzinga, Queen Ana, (i)
Obstetric Society of London, (i)
‘Octoroon Parlours’, (i)
Offences Against the Person Act (1861), (i)
opium, (i)
orgasms, (i)
anorgasmia, (i)
and bicycling, (i)
and ‘hysterical paroxysm’, (i), (ii)
la petite mort, (i)
and male refractory period, (i), (ii)
multiple, (i)
science of, (i)
slang terms for, (i)
supposed debilitating effects, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
trans women and, (i)
‘vaginal’ and ‘clitoral’, (i), (ii), (iii)n
Victorians and, (i)
and zinc loss, (i)
see also masturbation
Oribasius, (i)n
Ovid, (i)
Oyster, The, (i)
oysters, (i)
Paltrow, Gwyneth, (i)
paraphilias, (i)n
Paré, Ambroise, (i)
Parent du Châtelet, Alexandre, (i)
Parke, Ernest, (i), (ii)
Parry, John S., (i)
Pasiphae, (i)
patriarchy, and virginity, (i)
Paynel, Katherine and Nicholas, (i)
Pearl, The, (i), (ii)n, (iii), (iv), (v)
Pedley, Cicely, (i)
Peele, George, (i)
pelvic inflammatory disease, (i)
pelvic massage, (i), (ii), (iii)
penis enlargement surgery, (i)
penitentials, (i)
pennyroyal, (i)
Penthouse, (i)
Pepys, Samuel, (i)
perfumes, (i), (ii), (iii)
Perkins, Mary, (i)
Perret, Jean-Jacques, (i)
Pham, Michael N., (i)
Philip Augustus, King of France, (i)
Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy, (i)
Philotus, (i)
Phryne, (i)
physiognomy, (i)
Pilot, The, (i)
Pindar, (i)
plague, (i)
plastic surgery, (i)
Plato, (i), (ii)
Platter, Felix, (i)
Playboy, (i)
plethora theory, (i)
Pliny the Elder, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
Plutarch, (i)
Pompeii, (i), (ii)
Pompeius Trogus, (i)
Pornhub, (i)
Post Office Act (1953), (i)
postcards, (i), (ii)
Powell, John, (i)
Pratt, James, (i)
Praxiteles of Athens, (i)
Pretty Woman, (i)
prolactin, (i)
propaganda campaigns, (i)
prostate cancer, (i)
prostitution (sex work), (i), (ii)
advertising, (i)
black women and, (i), (ii)
historiography of, (i)
and internet, (i)
male, (i)
‘oldest profession’, (i), (ii), (iii)
physiognomy and, (i)
sacred, (i), (ii)
see also tart cards
Proverbs of Hendyng, The, (i)
Pseudo-Albertus Magnus, (i)
pubic hair, (i), (ii)
pubic lice, (i)
Puppo, Vincenzo, (i)n
‘Purity Balls’, (i)
‘pussy’ (the word), (i)
Pygmalion, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
qadeshes (temple prostitutes), (i)
‘quaint’ (synonym for cunt), (i)
‘quim’ (the word), (i)
Quran, (i), (ii)
Rabelais, François, (i)
rape, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
see also sexual assault
Rational Dress Society, (i)
Raya III, Raja, (i)
razors, (i), (ii)
Ream, Charles, (i)
Reich, Wilhelm, (i)
rejuvenation treatments, (i)
Richard II, King, (i)
Richardson, Thomas, (i)
Riddell, Fern, (i)
Road to Wellville, The, (i)
Rochester, John Wilmot, Earl of, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii)
Rocky, (i)
Roger’s Profanisaurus, (i), (ii)
Romance of Lust, The, (i)n, (ii), (iii)
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, (i)
Rowley, William, (i)
Rubenhold, Hallie, (i)
Rufus of Ephesus, (i)n
Rush, Geoffrey, (i)
Ruskin, John, (i)
Russel, Christian, (i)
Russell, John, (i)
Rykener, John, (i)
Sade, Marquis de, (i), (ii), (iii)
safe-sex campaigns, (i)
St Albert the Great, (i)
St Godric, (i)
St Jerome, (i), (ii)
St Thomas Aquinas, (i)
same-sex relationships, in Ancient World, (i)
Sampolinski, Dr, (i)
Samuel, Alice, (i)
Samurai warriors, (i)
Sanderson, John and Tedia, (i)
sanitary towels, (i)
Saul, Jack, (i), (ii)
Saviland, Thomas, (i)
savin, (i)
Savonarola, Michael, (i)
Scaliger, Joseph Justus, (i)
Schatzberg, Eric, (i)
Schwaeblé, René, (i)
Second World War, (i)
semen, (i), (ii), (iii)
semen retention, (i)
serotonin, (i)
sewing machines, (i)
Sex and the City, (i)
sex dolls, (i), (ii), (iii)
Nazi, (i)
sex robots, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
sex work, see prostitution
sexual assault, (i)
see also rape
sexually transmitted infections (STIs), (i)
Shadwell, A., (i)
Shakespeare, William, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
Sharp, Jane, (i)
Shaw, George Bernard, (i)
‘Ship of Fools’, (i)
Shuldyakov, Vladimir, (i)
Sildenafil, see Viagra
Sin of the City of the Plain, (i)n, (ii)
Sir Mix-a-Lot, (i)
slander, (i)
slave trade, (i)
‘slut’ (the word), (i)
smear tests, (i)
smells, (i)
and ‘feminine hygiene’, (i)
Smith, Alexander, (i)
Smith, Charlotte, (i)
Smith, Delia, (i)
Smith, John, (i)
Smith, W. Tyler, (i)
Smith, William, (i)
Somerset, Lord Arthur, (i)
Sophocles, (i)
Soranus of Ephesus, (i), (ii), (iii)n
Sorti Somnath temple, (i)
Southwark red-light district, (i), (ii)
Spanish Fly, (i)
sparrows, (i), (ii)
Spenser, Edmund, (i)
spermatorrhea, (i)
Stanley, Leo Leonidas, (i)n
Stavri, Zoe, (i)
steatopygia, (i)
Steinach, Eugene, (i)
Stengel Casey, (i)
Stepford Wives, The, (i)
stone phallus, (i)
Stone, Isabel, (i)
Stop Enabling Sex Traffickers Act (SESTA), (i)
Story of Menstruation, The, (i)
Storyville, New Orleans, (i), (ii)
Strabo, (i), (ii)
Strachan, David, (i)
succubi, (i)
Sun Simiao, (i)
Sushruta Samhita, (i), (ii)
Swift, Jonathan, (i)
Swinscow, Charles, (i)
syphilis, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii)
tableaux plastiques, (i)
tampons, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
Tanjor temple, (i)
Taoism, (i)
Tapputi, (i)
tart cards, (i), (ii)
Tennant, David, (i)
testosterone, (i), (ii)
Thatcher, Margaret, (i)
Theutberga, Queen, (i)
Thomas of Chobham, (i), (ii)
Thousand and One Nights, A, (i)
thrush, (i), (ii)
Tilt, Edward John, (i)
Tissot, Samuel-Auguste, (i)
Town, Susan, (i)
Treaty of Rome, (i)
Trotula de Ruggiero, (i)
Trotula, (i)
Trump, Donald, (i), (ii)
Tuccia, (i)
Tudor, Mary, (i)
Tutankhamun, Pharaoh, (i)
underarm hair, removal of, (i), (ii)
urine, and virginity tests, (i), (ii)
bacterial infections, (i), (ii)n
douching, (i), (ii)
/> and ‘feminine hygiene’, (i)
fish inserted into, (i)
secretions, (i), (ii), (iii)
vaginoplasty, (i), (ii), (iii)
the word, (i), (ii)
Vagina Monologues, The (Ensler), (i)
Vaishnava Baul people, (i)
Valentine’s Day, (i)
Valerius Maximus, (i)
Valverde, Sarah, (i)
van Butchell, Martin, (i)
van den Steene, Jeanne, (i)
van Keyschote, Maertyne, (i)
vasectomies, (i)
Velu, Henri, (i)
Venette, Nicolas, (i), (ii), (iii)
Vestal Virgins, (i)
Viagra (Sildenafil), (i), (ii), (iii)
vibrators, (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)
‘virgin’ (the word), (i)
in Anglo-Saxon law, (i)
as supreme moral state, (i)
virginity tests, (i)
and the hymen, (i), (ii)
and patriarchy, (i)
and urine, (i), (ii)
virgins, adult, (i)n
Voronoff, Serge, (i), (ii), (iii)
Walker, Clement, (i)
Walsh, John Henry, (i)
Walter of Hemingburgh, (i)
wandering womb theory, (i)
Ward, Ned, (i)
Waus, Thomas, (i)
Webster, John, (i)
Weird Science, (i)
Welsh, Irvine, (i)
Westminster Whore, (i)
Wheeler, Anne, (i)
Whitaker, John, (i)
White, Lulu, (i)
‘whore’ (the word), (i)
Wiess, John, (i)
Wilde, Oscar, (i), (ii)
William of Saliceto, (i), (ii)
Wilson, Erasmus, (i)
Wilson, Mary, (i)
Wing, Dr, (i)
Winnel, Richard, (i)
witches, (i), (ii), (iii)
Wollstonecraft, Mary, (i)
Wood, George Bacon, (i)
Woolf, Mary Jane, (i)
Worth, Jennifer, (i)
Wozniak, Joseph, (i)
Wright, Thomas, (i), (ii)
Wydecunthe, Bele, (i)
Xdolls, (i)
Yaxley, Isabel, (i)
Yeats, W. B., (i)
Yellamma, goddess, (i)
Yenge, (i)
Yorkston, James, (i)
Young, Elizabeth, (i)
Ziegenspeck, Robert, (i)
A Note on the Author
Dr Kate Lister a university lecturer. She researches the history of sexuality and curates the online research project Whores of Yore. Kate is also a columnist for iNews and the Wellcome Trust where she writes about the history of sex. Kate won the Sexual Freedom Award for Publicist of the Year, 2017.
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